Land of Promise

The book Land of Promise, subtitled Romanian Stories of Canadian Prairies is a very unique work.  The author Ion Longin Popescu, a Romanian journalist, travelled from communist Romania to Canada in 1983 to explore what became of Romanians to immigrated to Canada at the turn of the century.

  • Author: Ion Longin Popescu
  • Published: The Romania Association, Bucharest, Romania (1986)
  • Pages: 154

Ion Popescu’s flair for description and excitement about exploring what became of his former countrymen comes through in this publication originally printed in Romanian and then translated into English.

Love the Book

We enjoy the style of the author.  It is a bit like reading someone’s travel diary and I came away with a sense of the authors passion for the subject.  We have used an excerpt of the book in the article Good Evening, Honourable Guests!

Document Your Sources

You are probably a Genealogist if you have found this website so we shouldn’t have to remind you about documenting your sources.  …but document your sources.  You can read about our experience in the article entitled Sources.

Table of contents

Chapter one: A newsman among the Romanians

  • “Welcome, Brother!”
  • Longing for Manitoba
  • Back to Saskatchewan
  • Uncle Emilian Gives Me a Ride
  • Picnic at Tatoiu Farm
  • Memories from Dysart
  • “The Black Sea” in Regina
  • The Place of Tom’s Boyhood
  • Traian Petrescu from Moose Jaw
  • The Trip to Boian
  • Boian — a fine Memory
  • Wedding at Willingdon

Chapter two: Short history

  • The Wave of Immigration
  • The Churches
  • A Club for All Romanians

Chapter three: The day when they had to say farewell

  • “Law and Order, Good Government Churches, Schools”
  • The Story of Mrs. Valeria Mihalcea
  • The Story of Mr. Ilie Lupastean
  • The Story of Mrs. Domnica Lupastean
  • The Story of Mrs. Ileana Vulpe
  • The Story of Mrs. Maria Boghean
  • The Story of Mr. Dumitru Boghean
  • The Story of Mr. Mardare Donison
  • The Story of Mrs. Maria Bancescu
  • The Story of Mrs. Dumitra Baciu
  • The Story of Mr. Emilian Petrisor
  • The Story of Mrs. Leona Muntean
  • The Story of Mr. Vasile Ursu
  • The Story of Mrs. Maria Reece
  • The Story of Mrs. Maria Nenciu
  • The Story of Mr. Ciprian Cazac

Chapter four: The great traverse

  • The Story of Vasile Ursu
  • The Story of Leona Munteen
  • The Story of Ana Petrisor
  • The Story of Dumitru Boghean
  • The Story of Rada Cojocaru
  • The Story of Tilly Lipan
  • The Story of the Rev. Ion Oncescu
  • The Story of Teodor Oancea

Chapter five: Homestead

  • The Story of Agripina Gabor
  • The Story of Elisabeta Lavric
  • The Story of Alexandru Miron
  • The Story of Gheorghe D. Toma
  • The Story of Vasile Ursu
  • The Story of Virginia Fawcett
  • The Story of Leona Muntean
  • The Story of Eugenia Ast
  • The Story of Gherghina Jonescu
  • The Story of Maria Bancescu
  • The Story of Gheorghe Costron
  • The Story of Dumitru Boghean
  • The Story of Dumitra Baciu
  • The Story of Joita Costache
  • The Story of Ilie Lupastean
  • The Story of Ana Istvan
  • The Story of Mardare Donison
  • The Story of Traian Petrescu
  • The Story of Ana Tonita
  • The Story of Constantin Donison

Chapter six: More stories about the homestead

  • The Story of Maria Rosca
  • The Story of Leona Muntean
  • The Story of Ileana Vulpe
  • The Story of Dumitra Baciu
  • The Story of Maria Harold
  • The Story of Constantin Donison

Chapter seven: Fire, locusts, army worms

  • The Story of Dumitra Baciu
  • The Story of Vasile Petrisor
  • The Story of Domnica Stef

Chapter eight: Enlightened by nostalgias

  • The Dialogue of Memories
  • The Story of Maria Rosca
  • The Story of John Lascue
  • The Story of Dumitru Boghean
  • The Story of Tom Banda
  • The Story Of Gus Donison

Chapter nine: Magnesium flames

Chapter ten: Family histories

  • Ast, Fred and Eugenia
  • Baciu, Stefan and Dumitra
  • Banda, Vasile and Maria
  • Bancescu, Emilia and Maria
  • Boghean, Dumitru and Maria
  • Cazac, Ciprian and Catrina
  • Ceuca, Tanase and Lina
  • Chebree, Michael
  • Ciofu, Vasile and Viorica
  • Cojocaru, Nita and Rada
  • Colibaba, Stefan and Domnica
  • Cornea, Ion and Maria
  • Costea, Neculai and Zenovia
  • Costron, Gheorghe and Ligherta
  • Cristea, Isaiia and Niculina
  • The Reverend Diaconescu, Dumitru
  • Dobrescu, Stoica and Elena
  • Donison, Anita
  • Denison, Gus and Zanova
  • Donison, Mardare
  • Donison, Vasile and Iustina
  • Flutur, Petrea and Lena
  • Gabor, Alexa and Agripina
  • Gabor, Grigore and Domnica
  • Hysuick, Gheorghe and Maria
  • Hlopina, Nistor and Elisabeta
  • Hoffman, Anton and Elisabeta
  • Holovaci, Alexandru and Paulina
  • Holovaci, Tanase and Aglaia
  • Iorga, Petrea and Rada
  • Istvan, Tudor and Ana
  • Arehimandrite Ivanovici, Martinian
  • Jonescu, Cristache and Gherghina
  • Juravlea, Petrea and Paraschiva
  • Lascu, Ion and Maria
  • Lavric, Luca and Elisaveta
  • Lipan, Gheorghe and Tilly
  • Lipan, Ileana
  • Lupastean, Ilie and Domnica
  • Magda, Aurel and Eva
  • Mertic, Alexandru and Ileana
  • Mihalcea, Marin and Valeria
  • Moldovan, Ion and Ioana
  • Moldovan, Jim and Gean
  • Morise, Petrea and Anita
  • Moroean, Casey and Paraschiva
  • Moscahuc, Vasile
  • Neamtu, Rudy and Ileana
  • Nenciu, Bucur and Maria
  • Nistor, Ion and Ana
  • Oancea, Teodor and Stefania
  • Rev. Oncescu, Iordache and Maria
  • Pane, John and Maria
  • Petrescu, Traian and Beatrice
  • Petrisor, Emilian and Rarita
  • Popescu, Filip and Ruby
  • Porojnic, Ion and Ana
  • Reece, Petrea and Maria
  • Stan, Steve H, and Maria
  • Saghin, Adriana
  • Savaliuc, Ion and Maria
  • Stef, Mihai and Domnica
  • Stefénut, Ion and Ana
  • Stir, Gheorghe and Paraschiva
  • Rev. Tatoiu, Petrea and Maria
  • Toma, D. Gheorghe and Zamfira
  • Tonita, Ion and Maria
  • Ungureanu, Toader and Eugenia
  • Ursu, Iosif and Domnica
  • Ursu, Vasile, Lichera and Ana
  • Vulturari, Nicolae and Elisabeta

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