Riopelle – Cojocari Wedding

On Saturday, September 11, 1954 a young couple came together in marriage in Detroit, Michigan, USA. Russell F. “Russ” Riopelle married Emilia “Millie” J. Cojocari and celebrated their union with family and friends.

Who: Wedding party of Russ Riopelle and Millie Cojocari

Where: Unsure

When: Saturday, September 11, 1954

Why: Common wedding tradition to take a photo pf the wedding party

Wedding Party of Russell Riopelle and Emilia “Millie” J. Cojocari, Detroit, Michigan, USA, September 11, 1954

Can You Name Anyone?

I have numbered the people in the photo from 1 to 9. If you would like to see a larger version just click on the photo or click here.

Use these buttons to jump to information for each numbered person:

People in the photo

If you are able to help me out with the one missing name and I will update this page!

1. Mary Cojocar nee Varteniuk was born in Creighton Mine, Ontario, Canada as oldest child of three to George & Eva Varteniuk. Mary would have been about thirty seven (37) in this photo and living in nearby Windsor, Ontario, Canada with her husband and four children.


See the article Wedding of George Cojocari and Mary Varteniuk.

Mary’s husband is George Cojocar (#2)

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2. George J. Cojocar was born on the family farm near Dahinda, Saskatchewan, Canada the second child of ten to John & Maranda Cojocari. George would have been about forty two (42) in this photo and living in nearby Windsor, Ontario, Canada with his wife and four children.


See the article Wedding of George Cojocari and Mary Varteniuk.

George is married to Mary Cojocar nee Varteniuk (#1)

George’s brother is Daniel J. Cojocar (#4)

George’s sister is the bride Emilia “Millie” J. Cojocar (#6)

George’s niece is bridesmaid Mary Wakeman nee Fluter (#8)

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3. Emilie Millie Cojocar nee Dzombak was born in about 1925 (just a guess) but I don’t know her birth date. Do you know? She would have been about twenty nine (29) years old in this photo. Millie and her husband would have travelled the short distance from their home in Windsor, Ontario, Canada to attend this wedding.


Emilie’s husband of about one year was Daniel J. Cojocar.

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4. Daniel J. Cojocar was born on the family farm near Dahinda, Saskatchewan, Canada the tenth child of ten to John & Maranda Cojocari. I don’t know his exact date of birth. Do you know? He would have been about twenty nine (29) years old in this photo. Dan and his wife would have travelled the short distance from their home in Windsor, Ontario, Canada to attend this wedding.


Dan married Emilie Millie Cojocar nee Dzombak (#3) in Windsor a year earlier during 1953. Sadly their marriage would only last three more years when they would divorce following Dan’s terminal diagnosis with Hodgkin disease.

Dan’s oldest brother was George J. Cojocar (#2)

Dan’s niece is bridesmaid Mary Wakeman nee Fluter (#8)

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5. Russell F. Riopelle was born in Detroit, Michigan, USA and would have been about thirty five (35) in this photo and living in Detroit, Michigan, USA. He is the groom! This was his second marriage. Following the wedding the couple would live in Detroit, Michigan, USA. Welcome to the Cojocar family Russ!


Russell married Emilia “Millie” J. Cojocar on this very day and together they would celebrate eleven years of marriage until Millie’s premature passing in 1965 at the age of forty-three (43) from Hodgkin disease.

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6. Emilia “Millie” J. Cojocar was born on the family farm near Dahinda, Saskatchewan, Canada the eighth child of ten to John & Maranda Cojocari. Millie would have been about thirty three (33) years old in this photo and was already living in Detroit, Michigan, USA. She is the bride! Following the wedding the couple would live in Detroit, Michigan, USA.


Millie married Russell F. Riopelle (#5) on this very day and together they would celebrate eleven years of marriage until Millie’s premature passing in 1965 at the age of forty-three (43) from Hodgkin disease.

Millie’s second-oldest brother George J. Cojocar (#2)

Millie’s younger and youngest brother Daniel J. Cojocar (#4)

Millie’s niece Mary Wakeman nee Fluter (#8)

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7. Ilie “Eli” Flutur(?) was suggested as the name of this gentleman. I need more information. Can you confirm? If true, he was born to Dan & Annie Fluter and would be thirty five (35) years old in this photo. Why would he have been part of the wedding party? Close friend?


I have found records of Eli first living in Windsor and later living in Detroit and I am not sure where he was living on this exact date yet. He was most certainly in the region and easily able to attend.

Elie’s niece is Mary Wakeman nee Fluter (#8)

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8. Mary Wakeman nee Fluter was born to George & Ruby Fluter near Avonlea, Saskatchewan, Canada and would have been about twenty one (21) in this photo and living in Detroit, Michigan, USA.


Ilie “Eli” Flutur (#7) was Mary’s uncle

Mary’s uncle George J. Cojocari (#2)

Mary’s aunt Emilia “Millie” J. Cojocar (#6)

Mary’s uncle Daniel J. Cojocar (#4)

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9. Unknown. I don’t know who this guy was yet but he really looks like he could be a Fluter to me… Do you recognize him? Is it possible that this is Dan Fluter, Mary’s older brother?



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