Government of Saskatchewan eHealth

The Government of Saskatchewan eHealth website is slowly adding birth, death and marriage data beginning from 1905 when Saskatchewan became a province. It’s worth your time to try searching!


How to access

The information is searchable provided you and your ancestors can agree on how things were spelled.

  • Births registered in Saskatchewan more than 100 years ago
  • Deaths registered in Saskatchewan more than 70 years ago
  • Marriages registered in Saskatchewan more than 75 years ago

You can search for you ancestors by last name, given name, place and year using Begins-With, Exactly and Contains criteria. If your ancestors didn’t care too much about spelling you will find this more challenging as there is no sounds-like (Soundex) search function.

You can order actual copies of the records that may contain more information than are displayed on the website but searching the website is a good start.


Find more eCollections we have used in our article Family History eCollections.

Document Your Sources

You are probably a Genealogist if you have found this website so we shouldn’t have to remind you about documenting your sources.  …but document your sources.  You can read about our experience in the article entitled Sources.

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