Expecting company? The Ladies Auxiliary of the St. George Romanian Orthodox Church in Regina, Saskatchewan circa 1988 have you covered!
- 40 lbs. ground pork and beef
- 22 c. rice washed in several waters
- 3 large cans tomatoes
- 3 Tbsp. pepper
- 1/2 c. salt
- 7 Ibs. finely diced onions
- 3 Tbsp. paprika
- 70 lbs. of sour cabbage
Wash the rice until the water runs clear.
Mix the meat, rice, tomatoes, salt, pepper and paprika well.
Put mixture in cabbage leaves and roll.
This amount will make four canners (canning pots) full. Fill canners partly full with cabbage rolls and add one large can tomatoes and enough water to cover, cook until done.