Golden Memories of Truax and Districts

This is another impressive work created lovingly by families in the Truax, Saskatchewan region to capture and preserve their history.  Historians and genealogists will be forever grateful for all of this hard work.


When we look through the different families in this book it is apparent that the Truax area was inhabited less by Romanians and more by people from the UK directly or indirectly (Ontario).

  • Title: Golden Memories of Truax and Districts
  • Author: Truax Heritage Club, Truax, Saskatchewan, S0H 4A0
  • Published: 1983, Truax Saskatchewan
  • ISBN: 0-919533-34-5
  • Pages: 274

Below is a quote of the Foreword from the book.


With the incorporation of Truax as a village seventy years ago, we thought it imperative to collect and compile as much information as possible pertaining to our ancestors and their efforts to develop a new land.

It has taken a long time, but slowly the information has become a book. We would like to thank the many people who helped and gave us support and encouragement.

This book contains histories of Truax and school districts. We thank those who sent stories, which made this book a reality. We regret that some histories have not been submitted; these omissions will be a loss to future generations. We have tried to be accurate and offer apologies for errors, and for any who have been unintentionally omitted.

Our hope is that, as you read Golden Memories of Truax and Districts and shake hands across the miles and years, you will re-new old friendships maybe forgotten, and through these pages make new friends.

Document Your Sources

You are probably a Genealogist if you have found this website so we shouldn’t have to remind you about documenting your sources.  …but document your sources.  You can read about our experience in the article entitled Sources.

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